
Common Kingfisher

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               The Common Kingfisher

The Common Kingfisher also known as river Kingfisher. It has blue upper parts, orange underparts and a long bill has large head, long, sharp, dagger like beak, short orange colored legs. The color of their wings is a blue/green. Kingfishers are found by slow flowing water such as lakes, canals and rivers.Common Kingfisher measure 17 - 19  centimeters in length, weigh between 34 - 46 grams and have a wingspan of 25 centimeters.

The Kingfishers feed on a wide verity of pray. They are most famous for hunting and eating fish, frogs, worms and spiders.

Kingfishers are cavity nesters, with most species nesting in holes dug in the ground. They have 2 -3 clutches yearly, one in April, another by July. The Common Kingfisher typically lays five to seven glossy, white eggs. After 19 - 21 days of incubation, the chicks hatch out of eggs. Chicks can eat up to 18 fish each per day, and they are fed in rotation by the parents. The chicks normally leave when they are 20 - 25 days old, but can take up to 40 days if the fish supply is poor.


Black-headed Ibis

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Black-headed Ibis

Black-headed ibis also known as Oriental white ibis. breeds in the South and Southeast Asia from India, Sri Lanka and japanThis species able to use a large variety of natural and man-made habitats. The white plumage is starkly contrasted against a conspicuous naked black neck and head, and black down-curved beak.


Tails of adults bear light grey ornamental feathers that turn jet black during the breeding season, under the wing turn blood-red. The species usually breeds once per year in the wet season. In India June to October breading season of Ibis.

Nesting and Feeding

They build nest in trees nearby revers or lakes. It builds a stick nest in a tree and lays 2–4 eggs. Ibis occurs in marshy wetlands and mud flats, Feeds fish, frogs and other water creatures.

Bisle Ghat

Bisle Ghat

Bisle Ghat  is the one of best place in Karnataka and is rewarded as 'heaven on the earth'. Bisle Ghat is beautiful adventurous spot between Sakleshpura and Kukke Subrahmanya. Bisle is one of the part of western ghat and situated in Hasan and Dakshinakannada district. This is the one of best trekking Place also. If you don’t want to trek then you can enjoy the view by road. Kukke subramanya to sakleshpura Via bisle ghat road is good for nature lovers. By road there is a place called  Bisle view point . From view point you can more enjoy nature. Also Mangalore to bangalore train is going by Bisle ghat where you can see the western ghats. This journey about 50 to 60 kilometer.

Best time to visit
Bisle ghat is evergreen forest but September to December there is more Lush green. In sakleshpura you can see most of coffee estates. Also good place for bird watching. If travelling by train you can see more than 50 tunnels plenty of small waterfalls and western ghat range.

Trekking place near Bisle
Kumaraparwatha is also connected with Bisle ghat. This is also a good trekking place. It is starting from Kukke subramanya temple.

Nearby waterfalls
Mallalli waterfalls is located in Bisle. This is one of the best waterfalls in Karnataka. You have to walk around 1 kilometer from parking to reach waterfall. Nearby there is one more view point called pushpagiri.